Patient: 278
Breast Augmentation
This 22-year-old young woman requested a breast augmentation consultation with Dr. David Sayah because she didn’t like the size and appearance of her breasts. She was a size A cup and wanted to be a full C cup.
During her consultation with Dr. Sayah she confessed that she had always wanted cleavage and hoped that larger breasts would provide more prominent cleavage. Dr. Sayah spent time discussing the different size and material options for implants and listened to the patient as she described her ideal outcome for surgery. The patient chose to book surgery as soon as the consultation was finished. She chose 375 cc smooth round saline implants to be inserted through her armpit and placed under her breast muscle.
The patient is very happy with her results. She says she loves the way her breasts look and finally has the cleavage she has always wanted.